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Photo du rédacteurChestNut

Revue de Presse / Press release

Dernière mise à jour : 22 mars 2021

A l'occasion d'une méritée et très jolie mise en lumière de l'incubateur GENEO dans le journal "L'ECHO Drôme Ardèche", plusieurs créateurs d'entrepreprise ont pu témoigner de leur expérience. Christian Magro, président de ChestNut, a pu revenir sur l'accompagnement bénéfique de GENEO depuis Janvier 2020, dans la création et le développement de ChestNut.


On the occasion of a well-deserved and very pretty highlighting of the GENEO incubator in the newspaper "L'ECHO Drôme Ardèche", several entrepreneurs have been able to testify of their experience. Christian Magro, President of ChestNut, was able to review the beneficial support of GENEO since January 2020, in the creation and development of ChestNut.

The article unfortunately does not exist in English, but we wanted to translate for you the few words of Christian Magro :

Another accompanying project, ChestNut, whose activity concerns the extraction of active ingredients from plants for cosmetics. Accompanied in 2019 by a structure in Lyon, the founder wished to settle ChestNut in Drôme/Provence, and then to be accompanied by GENEO, the only incubator in the area. Since January 2020, the project has been monitored, oriented, structured and tested. "Despite the Covid, Geneo saved me time. The team is taking a critical look at the project, which is very helpful and reassuring" explains Christian Magro, creator of ChestNut.

Crédit Photo : Mathieu Dragon

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